Level N3
30 Hour Program
January 18 - March 24, 2022
Classes take place every Tuesday and Thursday from 7pm to 8:30pm (19:00-20:30) Japan Standard Time (UTC+9).
Requirements: Minimum 300 hours of Japanese study completed.
*If you're not sure if you qualify, please contact us at online@sng.ac.jp.
This course is specifically designed to learn Japanese language points and elements required for the JLPT. The lessons include vocabulary, kanji, grammar, text understanding and listening.
You will work on digital contents to measure your understanding, and the teacher will put the stress on the elements that student have most difficulties.
A final practical exam will be held to be sure that you are ready for the test.
Niveau disponible actuellement: N3
Programme de 30 heures
18 janvier - 24 mars 2022
JPY 49,500 | 20 Leçons
Tous les lundi, mercredi
19h à 20h30 (Heure du Japon)
現在の開講レベル: N3
19:00〜20:30 日本標準時
Nivel N3 de JLPT
Programa de 30 horas
Del 18 de enero al 24 de marzo de 2022
49,500 Yen | 20 lecciones
Todos los lunes y miercoles
7:00am - 8:30pm - Zona horaria de Japón
Livello JLPT N3
18 gennaio - 24 marzo, 2022
Programma di 30 ore
JPY 49,500 | 20 lezioni
Ogni lunedì e mercoledì
7:00 pm - 8:30pm fuso orario giapponese.